
Jornadas Internacionales de Coloproctología Enrique Casal, 6-8 March 2024, Baiona

From 6 to 8 March 2024 THD was in Baiona to take part in the 30th edition of the Jornadas Internacionales de Coloproctología Enrique Casal.

From 6th to 8th March 2024 THD was in Baiona to take part in the 30th edition of the Jornadas Internacionales de Coloproctología “Enrique Casal”.

The scientific program of the event covered several topics related to the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal disorders and it included scientific sessions on anal incontinence as well as sessions and lectures on the management of HPV-related anal precancerous.

In particular, the speech on “Anal Intraepitelial neoplasia (AIN)” and the lecture “AIN: Guide for multidisciplinary management”, given by Prof. Emanuel Cavazzoni on 7th March, proved a great success and saw the attendance of a large number of healthcare professionals interested in new technologies and approaches for the minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment of neoplastic anal intraepithelial lesions.

THD was in Baiona to present a cutting-edge integrated system for the screening and treatment of anal precancerous lesions. Thanks to this innovative system, today both diagnosis and treatment of anal precancerous lesions can be easily performed during High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA).

We take the opportunity to thank all those who attended to these initiatives of significant scientific value to share with other experienced professionals insights on the evolution of the treatment of HPV-related conditions.
